Extended Health Plan
Salary & Benefits Salary & Benefits Extended Health Plan The BCTF has reached a tentative agreement with BCPSEA regarding the implementation of the $11,850,000 in improvements negotiated to the Provincial Standard EHB Plan. Details of the schedule of improvements to 2018 to local dental plans and the provincial standardized EHB Plan and a Q and A document are now posted just inside the BCTF member portal under “Improvements in Benefits.”
Here are five additional resources that you may find useful.
- PBC BlueRx Information Page www.pac.bluecross.ca/Corp/group/bluerx.aspx (Please note that while the BlueRX drug formulary includes coverage for PharmaCare and many non-PharmaCare drugs, almost all generic drugs, and some brand name drugs, there are many brand name drugs that aren’t fully covered.)
- PharmaCare Information https://pcbl.hlth.gov.bc.ca
- PBC Pharmacy Compass www.pharmacycompass.ca/
- PBC Advantage Page for Members www.blueadvantage.ca/Default.aspx
- InnoviCares Supplementary Drug Card bctf.innovicares.ca/
1. Rate of Pay:
a. An Employee who is employed as a teacher teaching on call shall be paid 1/189 of his/her category classification and experience, to a maximum of the rate at Category 5 Step 7, for each full day worked.
b. Effective July 1, 2016, an Employee who is employed as a teacher teaching on call shall be paid 1/189 of his/her category classification and experience to a maximum of the rate at Category 5 Step 8, for each full day worked.
Teacher Qualification Service (TQS)
The TQS is the agency responsible for determining your salary category based on your qualifications.
July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2019